One of the greatest issues confronting Nigerian society today is citizens' lack of commitment and dedication to the country's growth. This is a sign of school indiscipline, of which truancy is one facet. Eradication can be accomplished by striving to alter society's character and organization (Chukwuka, 2013). From the ground up, through the family, secondary school, and other social organizations. In addition, the school, as a socialization and training ground for future leaders and workforce needed in business, is confronted with serious issues that always influence society as a whole (Cook, 2010). Truancy, which is a sort of indiscipline, is the source of the issues. When a youngster is absent from school without a legitimate or accepted cause, this is known as truancy. The school as a whole should be able to provide utilitarian services that are targeted toward governmental and society needs, such as the capacity to teach virtues such as punctuality, regularity, honesty, and job devotion, among other things. This means that schools should be able to generate disciplined students who are free of truancy, bullying, delinquency, and other forms of indiscipline. When Giedugba (1996) stated that discipline is considered as the instruction of learners during the transitional period from infancy to maturity, she made this plain. As a result, by the time they reach adulthood, they are socially, economically, emotionally, financially, cognitively, and sexually ready for life. The majority of parents struggle to get their children to attend to school (Cook, 2010). School officials and others have issues with children who come to school just once in a blue moon; parents of these children express hope that their children are in school, unaware that they are lingering within or outside the school property; this act of indiscipline is referred to as truancy (Cook, 2010). They accomplish this by failing to show up at the location where they are scheduled to perform such obligations. Many children now prowl the streets during school hours looking for jobs as bus conductors in order to earn a pittance that will not be utilized to buy educational materials but rather to live in early luxury.
According to Rozumah Baharudin (2003), moving pupils from one class to another offers certain students with the possibility to skip class, which gives them pleasure and eventually leads to them daring to go truant. Truancy among school kids is common among pupils whose moms do not work. Mahdzir also asked school administrators to address this issue, urging them to make efforts to make school a pleasant environment for their students. Furthermore, the eventual interaction between instructors and students, facilities that encourage their attendance at school, and parental and community concerns might all be variables that help to fix the difficulties (Chukwuka, 2013). Due to a lack of parental duty, many parents abandon their children, resulting in truancy. Truancy, as a behavioural disease, has been linked to a number of other social vices in Nigerian culture, which the government, parents, and teachers are all concerned about. According to Rozumah Baharudin, "some of these social vices raise the percentage of dropouts in secondary schools, juvenile delinquency, drug misuse among adolescents, pregnancy among teens, and a high proportion of young engagement in crime" (2003).
Truancy has a negative impact on instructors. It has been argued that if the kids don't learn, the teacher doesn't teach. As a result, it is hard to provide an impartial assessment of a teacher's capacity to instruct due to truancy. It might jeopardize the teacher's capacity to declare, "I did a decent job." If school officials decide to promote teachers based on student performance, including truant performance, the teacher will have little or no chance of being promoted. This implies that if the truants do not perform as expected at school, the teacher will have a very bad rating in the community (Chukwuka, 2013). As a result, the school as an institution, which is harmed by truancy, has lost the spirit of the struggle against indiscipline (WAI). The number of female youths who are unlawfully pregnant is on the rise, owing to the fact that instead of attending school, they wander the streets, where they might be deceived into sexual activities (Chukwuka, 2013). In addition, a large number of young people are getting apprehended in robbery cases lately, which is not the case. Without a doubt, truancy has played a role in students' exam failure.
Truancy is one of the more egregious punishment issues that has arisen in schools. Secondary school pupils are increasingly likely to skip classes (Chukwuka, 2013). Working parents don't have a lot of time for their kids. Will parents be blamed for the presence of truancy issues in their children's schools? When students from several courses are consolidated into one for the purpose of teaching, low attendance might be noted. Isn't this the mentality of some parents who urge their children to learn? Later on, as they progress through school, pupils will come up with other excuses for not attending classes. They eventually learned to play truant with their companions, resorting to deviant behavior and staying in other areas. Students who lack awareness will engage in criminal activities and begin to break school regulations in order to demonstrate their aggressive attitude (Cook, 2010). The concern is, if parents are responsible for molding their children's character and behavior, why do pupils still have discipline issues in the school environment? Patterson (1989) claims that unless the responsible parties help, the damaging family environment may not be healed. It is critical that children attend school consistently and punctually in order to attain the goals. However, it has been revealed that many secondary school pupils do not follow this rule. It's conceivable that this has resulted in excessively poor academic performance, as seen by school certificate scores, particularly in the Egor Local Government Area of Edo State.
The following issues have been presented to assist the researcher in finding a solution to the issues mentioned above:
1. What is the most common cause of truancy among high school students?
2. What is the average number of days a pupil misses school?
3. When it comes to exams, how much do students cheat?
4. When it comes to classwork, how much do students cheat?
5. What is the amount of student disruption during class?
6. How frequently do students arrive late to class?
7. How frequently do students fight at school?
This study set out to achieve the following objectives;
a. To investigate whether students are always or occasionally absent from school
b. To determine the extent students cheat during examination?
c. Do examine or discover how much students cheat during class work..
d. To examine how often students disturb during lesson.
e. To ascertain the extent to which students misuse their school materials.
f. To ascertain how often students fight in the school.
From the problems high lighted above, the following research questions are formulated to help in looking into the different cases of truancy among secondary school students in Egor local government area.
a. Is there any significance difference in the incidence of truancy between urban rural schools?
b. Is there any difference in the incidence of truancy as perceived by male or female?
c. Is there difference in the incidence of student’s truancy as perceived by the teachers of lower and upper classes?
This study intended to be great benefits to the parents in Egor Local Government Area who will come to appreciate the implication of children’s truancy in secondary schools. Also, it is hoped that this study will also help the secondary school administrators in Egor Local Government Area to reap the benefits of improved academic performance of their various schools students and thus enhance the image of their schools. Lastly, it is expected to help the Local Government Authorities to recognize truancy among secondary school students, may lead to an increased rate of dropout which may invariably result to high rate of youths involvements in crime.
This study is expected to cover only secondary schools in Egor Local Government Area of Edo State. The investigation is limited to the phenomenon of a study of truancy among secondary schools, study in the selected schools.
Truancy: Is a deliberate absence from school on the part of students without the knowledge and consent of parents or school authority.
Juvenile: A young period before the age of 18 years.
Delinquency: Any anti social behaviour which violated the norms and values of a particular culture or society.
School Administration: Is the direction, control and management of all matters pertaining to school affairs.
Discipline: Is the ability to control oneself and to confirm to the norms of the system to which one is a member or party of.
Indiscipline: In lack of self control lack of cooperation and utter disrespects for constituted authority.
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